Sprint 2
Sprint 2 In this sprint, most if not all of my time spent was in Unity and Trello. Inside of Trello, as the lead I was in charge of adding, distributing, and managing the team's cards. This sprint, we got 14 cards moved into Sprint 2, 0 cards left in to verify, 5 cards left in progress, and 6 cards in assigned. I only got 2 of my cards moved into completed over this sprint, both about the movement system for the player. The rest of my week that was not spent on Trello making and managing cards, or in Unity making player movement, was spent in Unity creating a working camera system. In the latest version of this system, I used to new Unity input system to manage a canvas and different UI elements with in-game cameras. The first thing I did was allow a canvas to appear and disappear when clicking space, making the space bar allow the player to pull up the surveillance system. After adding some basic elements to make the interface look better, I wanted the player to be able to press...